ACRE Approved Training


Networks for Training and Development has offered Supported Employment 101 (SE 101) in many formats, for over 29 years. Given the increasing demands to do more with less, it has been difficult for employment professionals, who are so critical to success for people on the job, to attend training. Supported Employment 101 is now an ACRE-endorsed, virtual and self-paced, 40 hour course that takes place virtually on the Networks App. Completion of homework, (some of which may be billable to specific individuals depending on funding), will be expected of each participant. There will be group mentoring session during the course to check in with participants and prepare them for group presentations.

The goal of this course is to prepare professionals with less than one year experience, the necessary tools and strategies they need to be successful in their role, doing this through a hands-on fieldwork, homework and mentoring approach. For those who have been providing employment supports for a longer period of time, this course can also be seen as a refresher and also meets the mandatory Pennsylvania waiver certificate requirement (referencing the July 2017 waiver requirements of community-based staff acquiring either the CESP certification, or the ACRE supported employment certificate). This course also meets the needs of Program Managers and Program Specialists who must meet the Pennsylvania State requirements.

Are you interested in learning more about this course and our training schedule? Please click below to request assistance and a Networks team member will get back to you.