
Upcoming Events

Week of Jun 24th

  • June 24, 2019 - Living with Trauma Summit - Session #4 (Online)
    Living with Trauma Summit - Session #4 (Online)

    Living with Trauma Summit - Session #4 (Online)

    June 24, 2019

    So many of us have experienced trauma of one sort or another, including emotional, childhood, physical, medical, and other traumas of the body, mind, and soul. Yet how many of us fully face and understand their effects on us, our lives, and those we love and who love us?

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  • June 27, 2019 - Community Based Instruction - Part 2 (Willow Grove, PA), Dreams Still Coming True: A “Think Tank” to Keep the Dreams Growing!
    Community Based Instruction - Part 2 (Willow Grove, PA)

    Community Based Instruction - Part 2 (Willow Grove, PA)

    June 27, 2019

    With the changes in both federal and state regulations, the need for strategies to support individuals in the communities which they live is essential. CBI is providing instruction to another person in a planned, systematic manner to increase the potential for learning to take place.

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    Dreams Still Coming True: A “Think Tank” to Keep the Dreams Growing!

    Dreams Still Coming True: A “Think Tank” to Keep the Dreams Growing!

    June 27, 2019

    Please join us to take this conversation further. Be part of a “think tank” to strategize and plan next steps we must do together to keep the voices heard, the dreams growing, and our systems more focused on real people.

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