
Upcoming Events

Week of Nov 4th

  • November 4, 2024 - Healing Circle
    Healing Circle

    Healing Circle

    November 4, 2024

    Are you struggling to keep your footing in this swirling world of change, trying to keep your positive energy up, bring increased focus to your own wellness, have a special intention you’d like others to help lend their good thoughts to, &/or want to take a few minutes to breathe with other like-minded friends?? Please join us each 1st Monday of the month as we share a brief 20 minute meditation together.

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  • November 6, 2024 - Self-Regulation: Sensory Strategies for Attention and Focus
    Self-Regulation: Sensory Strategies for Attention and Focus

    Self-Regulation: Sensory Strategies for Attention and Focus

    November 6, 2024

    Do you have times of the day when you have difficulty focusing either because there just seems to be no fuel in the tank or you are overwhelmed with thoughts, energy or emotions?

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