Wholistic Practices

mind, body, & soul — well being for all…​

Today, many of us are taking more active control of our health through choices in diet, exercise, lifestyle, and spiritual practices. Various “alternative treatments” abound for us to choose from, which many of us add in to our personal wellness practices. Unfortunately, the sick, elderly, those in lower socio-economic groups, and those with disabilities are strikingly less likely to be utilizing these healthful practices. In other words, those who may need the help most may have the least access to it.
Over time Networks has developed a service area dedicated to providing individuals and organizations the opportunity to learn about these “alternative treatments”. We have also built a network of practitioners who offer their services to others, and are helping others learn more about these various modalities.​ Through our Wholistic Practices we have the opportunity to bring fun and increased wellness to many we know!


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“…she actually is leaving with something, isn’t she?” I think we’re all leaving with something.
“…Millie’s bed. was now center stage in the family’s living room… all singing, laughing, & massaging one another.”
“…all we heard loud & clear, ‘BECKY LIKES!’ You could hear the smile!”