Intro 0:09 This recording is an offering of Networks for Training and Development's Online University. Jessica Stover 0:25 Hi, everyone. This is Jessica with Networks for Training and Development and welcome to our monthly Healing Circle call. I'm happy to be with you this evening here on the east coast and other time zones for other listeners. And I thought tonight, we would do a guided meditation. I really enjoy doing these quite a bit. So let's just get started. So start by taking slow deep breaths, allowing the breath to come in slowly through your nose and letting the air escape through your mouth with a sigh. As your breathing continues deep and slow, imagine that you were seated and riding on a beautiful white, gentle horse. He or she is slowly walking slowly walking along a pathway, which leads up a mountain trail. The horses steps are sure and safe. As you come to a clearing, you are met by a smiling, wise person dressed in white. They welcome you and motions for you to dismount. As you do, they caress and stroke your white horse, thanking the horse for bringing you safely to this place. Your wise and welcoming host directs your attention to the other side of the clearing. There is a stone wall with a gate in the middle, which lays open as if awaiting your arrival. You and your guiding host walk toward the gate and enter into a beautiful courtyard. You see a small round pond with a mirror-like surface. You bend down to touch the water's cool surface. But as you do, you catch your reflection and look at yourself for a moment or two. You take a long, deep look at your reflection. You can see the smile in the eyes, which longed to see beyond just yourself. You see the disappointment in those eyes and realize you've experienced fear: for not being loved, for not being accepted, for the real you that's deep inside. You longing to be loved for yourself, to feel understood and accepted. And as the water begins to change color, as if a colored underwater light has just been turned on, the color, which is a rich plum red, and for a moment you feel a tingle at the base of your spine. And you know without being told that this plum red light is nurturing you, giving you a sense of understanding and helping you to release any anger or upset you might have felt. You knew instinctively that this red light releases any sense of greed, overindulgence, self-centeredness that you might have been the victim of or have personally experienced. You feel a sense of alignment, of being grounded, of being balanced. Now, the underwater light turns orange. And you feel that all your doubts and all your past imagined hurts evaporate totally. As your body receives the empowering healing knowledge from the now orange pool. There's a surge of energies that you feel moving up your spine and you know instinctively that you have a renewed confidence that others will now see your creative energies; that you now have courage and will wish to share a wonderful and long lasting friendship. But now the underwater light turns yellow. And you feel that what you used to have within you, that feeling of being over sensitive or inferior. It's now being washed away. And somewhere around your knees will you feel a tingling sensation. And you're now aware that warming yellow energy is moving into the navel and increasing your sense of personal power, anchoring, anchoring your newfound trust totally in your gut feeling and balanced what could have been over sensitivity. The underwater light turns green, and you know that the green douses you in a sense of being healed. You're opening to a new understanding to a love of life as you promise yourself to allow to be loved by others, and they in turn show their love for you. All the walls around your heart are dissolving and you feel a deeper, more loving, flowing sensation into your heart area. You can feel a tingle up and down your spine. And once more, you are a complete being. Now, the underwater light is turning the most beautiful electric blue. It's encouraging a surge of tingling energies to move up and down your spine and move into the back of your neck, through and around the throat and out your ears, across your eyes and across your nose. This electric blue colored energy clears, washes away and dissolves all deception, all manipulations you might have known untruths that have been perpetuated on you. And now it connects you to your inner true feelings, higher thoughts and newfound sense of expression. There is a new inner knowingness guiding your words, your thoughts and allowing you to speak your truth. The deep blue and plum red light joins together lifting your pool. A soft energy starts to move up and down your spine, opening your inner beauty and showing itself to you as a glorified feeling and a connection to the outer world. You are yourself. You are a being of light and love. And those that you will meet will see you as a warm, gentle and loving person. The underwater light has now become a radiant violet. And you sense that this color has an incredibly special meaning for you as it washes away all the deep hidden fears and all the doubts that could or would happen to you in your future life. In part of what is your Now moment, the violet light enhances within you and knowing in deep understanding that you have a divine purpose. You will also know that no person or event can block you or keep you from achieving this divine purpose. You begin to feel tingles among your spine again and up to the top of your head as the radiant violet light instills love, belief and understanding, elevating you to your own divine person with a destiny that is special and individual. The underwater lights fade and then glow together in a rainbow of light. They merge and become a golden white glorifying radiating light. You see your face once more in the reflection of the water. You seem younger, happier, clearer, brighter, and your eyes are radiant and knowing. This pool of water is from a healing friend whom you may return at any time when you feel the need. The light fades and your reflection fades and you stand once more in the center of that beautiful courtyard. Your host smiles knowingly at you. Together, you walk through the gateway back into the clearing, and your beautiful white horse trots easily and gracefully toward you. Your horse has been waiting for you, waiting for you to remount and to move off gently and effortlessly back down the mountain trail across the valley and back to your own time and space. You dismount from your horse guide and the wise horse nods at you, turns and walks away out of sight. Now, take a few deep cleansing breaths. Inhaling slowly and exhaling with a gentle but deep sigh. Bring your attention back to the Now moment. And welcome back. Outro 10:38 Thank you for listening. We hope the information provided was helpful. Don't forget to stop by our website and take advantage of all we have to offer. Transcribed by